Three Types Of Urges To Avoid During Divorce

28 February 2017
 Categories: Law, Blog

Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster, and it can make you do things you wouldn't normally do. However, you should do your best to avoid these urges since some of them can sabotage your divorce process. Here are three examples of such disastrous urges that you should avoid:

Wasting Resources

Some people give in to the temptation to waste their partner's or marital assets. For example, you may decide to dip into your joint account and go on a weekend trip to Europe or buy expensive jewelry for yourself. Unfortunately, such acts hurt you in more ways than one. First, wasting resources reduces the number of properties available for division, which reduces your portion of the divorce settlement. Secondly, this act amounts to a dissipation of assets, and the judge may order you to reimburse your spouse for their lost share. Obviously, this will have to come from your divorce settlement, meaning it will hurt you financially too.

Badmouthing Your Spouse

Resist an urge to badmouth your spouse not only because it can't benefit you (legally speaking) in any way, but also because it can hurt you. First, your children may overhear your tirades against their parent, and it will affect them. Don't forget that the children love both of you, even if you are at odd with each other. This means they will absorb your hurtful words against the other parent as if you were speaking to them directly.  The children may even believe your words, at least for a time, and begin to resent you when they learn the truth.

Secondly, depending on your spouse's business, your badmouthing may damage their reputation and make them lose business. Remember that your spouse's business is also your business as long as the assets haven't been divided. Therefore, badmouthing your spouse may reduce your share of assets during property division.

Having Sexual Liaisons with Your Soon-To-Be-Ex

Lastly, you should also resist the urge to engage in sexual relations with your soon-to-be-ex-partner. First, having sex with your partner may be emotionally damaging when it comes to divorce negotiations; for example, it can cloud your judgment. Secondly, it can also interfere with your divorce process and lengthen the divorce period. This may happen if your jurisdiction requires you to be separated (and this includes cessation of sexual liaisons with each other) for a period before getting your divorce. If your partner proves that you have been having sexual relations, the court may decide that you aren't separated, and you will have to reset your separation period countdown.

For more help, contact a lawyer from a firm like Gordon Liebmann Attorneys at Law.
