2 Ways To Help Strengthen You Auto Accident Case

6 February 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Being injured in a car collision can cost you emotionally, financially and physically. The challenges of being able to recover all of these things can be difficult. You may need to take legal action against the other driver to insure you can pay your medical bills and other costs. Knowing effective ways to help you strengthen your case in this situation may be critical to the outcome of your case.

Requests for production documents

It is necessary to provide evidence of your financial losses to be able to recover from these. The time to do this is during the request for production documents. You may be asked for the following information:

  1. Medical bills – If you have been seriously injured, you may have large medical bills that must be paid. Presenting these during the discovery stage of civil litigation will help ensure you are reimbursed for these if you win the case.
  2. Property damage – Being in a car wreck is sure to cause damage to your car and this may be costly. You can get an estimate for the necessary repairs from your auto body shop and present this to help build a stronger case.
  3. Lost wages – Most injuries mean that you will miss a certain amount of time from work. This amount can add up quickly and could have a negative impact on your financial well-being. Talk to your employer about getting a statement showing you lost earnings.

Giving a deposition

One of the most nerve-wracking times for many people involved in a legal action is giving a deposition. This will involve meeting with the opposing party's attorney and answering a series of questions that relate to the case.

You will be sworn in under oath before giving the deposition, and this will help ensure you tell the truth at all times.

Listed below are some types of questions you can expect:

  1. Was there an accident report filed regarding the collision?
  2. What day did the wreck happen?
  3. Were there any eyewitnesses who will testify in court for you?
  4. Who was charged with being at fault for the accident?

Finally, it is crucial to provide detailed information when filing a lawsuit against the other driver when  an accident happens. Be sure to talk to an auto accident lawyer who can guide you through the necessary steps to take legal action if this is necessary to recover your losses.
